Frequently Asked Questions
Will there be more books in The Paper Magician series?
Possibly. That’s all I can say for now. Do I have ideas? Yes. Am I going to address open-ended questions from the previous books. Yes. When will I do it? Even I don’t know! But a future book would include both Ceony and Alvie, so never fear.
Will there be more books in the Spellbreaker series?
None currently planned.
Will there be more books in the Whimbrel House series?
Yes! The Whimbrel House series will be a total of five books.
Is The Paper Magician (or other Holmberg book) going to be a movie?
Nothing is in the works right now. If you’re interested in optioning film or TV rights for any of my stories, please email kayley@pegasus-pub.com and put “ATTN: Film/TV rights” in the subject line.
Where’s the best place to buy your books?
Amazon is where you’ll get the most bang for your buck. You can also buy signed copies on our online store. If you’re in my home state of Utah, I highly recommend Poppy Books & Gifts. You can also find my books at Barnes & Noble.
Can I buy a signed book from you?
If you live in the United States, Canada, or Mexico, then yes! Visit my store to order a signed copy of any of my books. You can even request personalization at checkout.
If you live in a country other than those three, please contact Jordan@pegasus-pub.com to inquire about shipping rates.
Can I have a free book for my library/book blog/self/other creative endeavors/etc.?
All of my books have ARCs—advanced reader copies—a few months before release, and these can often be found on NetGalley.com. Professional inquiries should be directed to amazonpublishing-pr@amazon.com. I also do a lot of giveaways on my social media—Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter.
Will you blurb a book for me?
Possibly. I’m limited on how many books I can blurb a year. Any requests for blurbs need to go through my assistant, Kayley Klindt, who can be contacted at kayley@pegasus-pub.com.
Do you do school visits?
Unfortunately, I do not.
What advice do you have for aspiring writers?
Daily word counts create books. Finish your books. For everything else, see my page for aspiring writers.
What advice do you have for indie authors?
This is a tricky question. While I’m a hybrid author, I’m predominantly published through Amazon’s traditional publisher for science fiction and fantasy, 47North. I highly recommend the 20BooksTo50K® and Wide for the Win Facebook groups for indie authors at all stages of their careers.